Sunday, January 25, 2009

♥ ¥ΦÜRS Wîd UndÝing LðV€ ♥

How often do we come across people who leave us mesmerised even without saying a word. How often do we realize that the person sitting across the table or the person on the other side of the street might one day well be your partner for life. Who knows how long will he live.Even a minor cold or bruise could lead u to the doors of death.
But this is how life is and will alwayz remain. A MYSTERY!!! A Mystery, which unfolds itself each passing moment. A story, to which we turn the pages, eagerly waiting to know what our destiny has in store for us.
There is one such chapter in this story which leaves us spellbound for the rest of our lives. A chapter which comes to us in different forms, expressions and which holds different meanings to all of us. A chapter which makes us truly feel and understand relationships.

LOVE - THE ELIXIR OF LIFE. The most beautiful gift of God to us.
Love holds different meanings to us. A mother feeding her infant is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful expressions of love. We express love for our parents, siblings, nature and the list goes on and on and on.
But there is another paragraph in this chapter of LOVE which changes us altogether as a person. It is the love for your soul mate. Your partner for life. BLISSFULLY ETERNAL
A feeling which not only touches your heart but also your soul. Something which makes two souls come together as one. A feeling which all of us experience sometime or the other in our lives.
A feeling which I have experienced myself too. But unlike others, I have never fallen in love. I've always risen in love. There is so much I have given to my relationships and so much that I got to learn from relationships.
The very first thing is TRUST. Have complete faith in your partner. Relationships without trust are nothing but a 'compromise'.
The next bigh thing is SPACE. Never let your partner feel suffocated in a realtionship.
Then the most important thing that I have learnt is "NEVER DISCUSS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS, EVEN FRIENDS". (until n unless the situation so demands). Trust me on this. I lost someone whom i loved with all my heart.
There is one thing which id like everyone to remember always.
There is one more thing which life has taught me. If you ever love a person with all your heart, let him/her free. If they dont come back, they were never supposed to be yours. But if they do, they will always be yours. Forever:


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